POEM TITLE Blackness on Sea
POEM Blackness on Sea
I was drinking down at The Lobster Pot
I was handsome young and free
when all of a sudden I lost the plot.
Fiona smiled at me.
A shining light. I crossed the floor,
I talked to her…somehow.
I’d never felt this way before.
Was she my future now?
From the back of the bar a scornful laugh.
“Hey kid, run off and play.
She needs a bull, not a lovesick calf.”
I shook my head. “No way.”
“I’ll fight you, son, for that first kiss.”
McGregor - six foot three.
She stood, “I’ve not got time for this.”
“I’ll win,“ I said. “You’ll see.”
They placed their bets, they cleared a space
for the contest to begin.
It haunts me still, his grizzled face;
that cocksure bully’s grin.
His massive frame, his iron fist,
he surely looked the part
but he had no way to resist
the force within my heart.
She was for me, no ifs, no buts,
there was no trace of doubt.
A couple of well-timed uppercuts
and I’d knocked McGregor out.
They bought me drinks, they clapped and cheered,
those sad deluded men.
I knew Fiona’d disappeared,
would not come back again.
The dreams I’d had, the home, the wife
were lost beyond recall;
I’d sacrificed the love of my life
for a brainless bar-room brawl.
So now I walk the shore at night
no longer young and free;
my future’s gone, no shining light -
it’s all blackness on sea.