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Poem No.102


POEM TITLE Nobody's Oyster

POEM Nobody's Oyster

The coastal path meanders to Blackness

As nonchalant as the Winter chill's advance

With hope of warming coffee at The Lobster Pot

With it's quirky decor and it's subtle ambiance

The tide is out and exposes nature's bounty

Makes me think of generations lost in time

Gleaners and gatherers, fisher folk and the like

An unbidden shiver runs up my spine.

Worn smooth by a million ebbing tides

Countless oyster shells on a Winter beach

Garlanded with random ribbons of kelp

Just beyond the murky water's reach

Redshanks probe the stranded bladder-wrack

Though little there is for them to glean

Statuesque, a cormorant dries sodden wings

With a dark and sinister satanic mien.

Brown water under a grey and heavy sky

Rich , seemingly, little fishes there abound

Not easily are they seen or caught

As the merganser and heron have found.

The world, you will find, is nobody's oyster

Yet , here, life and hope still resides

Balancing precariously on a knife edge

Washed to smooth by a million ebbing tides

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