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Poem No. 269A

POEM TITLE The Painting POEM The outline is a ship, stuck solid in the shores, the bridges frame its stature, and are glistening in the...

Poem no. 269

POEM TITLE From Forth the Village POEM From Forth the Village The blackness of the sea stretches out before us Under the star studded...

Poem no. 268

POEM TITLE ‘Frae mony years ahent the strife POEM ‘Frae mony years ahent the strife (Reader - pray gie the scriever historic license tae...

Poem no. 267

POEM TITLE am i late ? POEM people around me have always been faster than me but now I feel it more and more as days go by who took away...

Poem no. 266

POEM TITLE A Hungry Lobster POEM A HUNGRY LOBSTER’S PLIGHT (By Bayard S, June, 2022) Yes, I’m a fat lobster with a large shark’s...

Poem no. 265

POEM TITLE "Its just a wee toon " POEM if this toon could talk , it would tell you some tales Of romans , tall ships in the harbour Not...

Poem no. 264

POEM TITLE Topknot POEM Blackness on Sea salt sea gales Wrinkled the Forth’s smooth skin with scales. Called Oxycontin by a nib-nosed...

Poem no. 263

POEM TITLE The Tale of Seven Seals POEM The Seven seals Ochreous and unforgiving Are indeed as real As you and me. In the hidden crevices...

Poem no. 262

POEM TITLE Wretched Wobbly Stings POEM Such a beautiful night, let’s swim from the shore. Jumped in the cool water, but my head is so...

Poem no. 259, 260, 261

POEM TITLE Black Thoughts on Deck POEM Black Thoughts On Deck By Clark Zlotchew Midnight on deck. Thinking of Blackness on Sea on the...

Poem no. 258

POEM TITLE a week in blackness on sea POEM after a week she convinced him to leave blackness on sea on the coast to rot— an abandoned...

Poem no. 257

POEM TITLE The Place To Be POEM Lobster Thermidor on the shore at Blackness on Sea with ma babee and ma wee doggee, from the Lobster Pot...

Poem no. 252, 253, 254, 255 and 256

POEM TITLE At Blackness POEM For the ship steered left and the sea was right. Lobster will be had at Blackness tonight. I ACCEPT TERMS &...

Poem no. 250

POEM TITLE I KNOW A PLACE POEM I know a world to the north Where the oceans knock I know a place by the sea Somewhere around the west A...

Poem no. 248

POEM TITLE Beyond Belief POEM Was upon a gloomy night Whilst i was having a pint Was told a tale beyond belief Me eyes were bulging me...

Poem no. 247

POEM TITLE Cursed tomb of glory POEM Breathless sighs— Heavy pounding heart. Unwieldy urge to run away— Was playing a crucial part....

Poem no. 246

POEM TITLE The Lobster Pot of Memories POEM The sharp ozone tang of the sea calls me home To The Lobster Pot of memories at Blackness on...

Poem no. 245

POEM TITLE Kiss The Bride. POEM Kiss The Bride. What bond of madness Adjoins me still To a place..with veto.. Over my ways & will. What...

Poem no. 244

POEM TITLE BLACK POT POEM Like an epistle to the apostles, l bleed this ink to a dying patient whose skin becomes black like charcoal as...

Poem no. 243

POEM TITLE Blackness on Sea POEM At the end of a long day of foggy disappearances the waves erase their fingerprints from the beach. How...

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