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Poem No. 110


POEM TITLE Ah'll Ayewis Be

POEM Ah haud the echo o’ a’ that’s past

Strong walls that wur bult’ tae last

Upon the lip o’ the Forth Ah staun

A ship bult’ upon dry land.

Ah mind the times which hae gaun by

Like fleeting flooers that ayewis die

Every use tae which Ah huv bin put

An’ a’ the souls wha tried tae loot.

Bult’ upon the Crichton’s feud

Fae the rock mah grounds wur hewed

Tae conquer the power o’ Douglas Dubh

An’ a’ there efter that did ensue.

Sir George leed wi’in thae walls

Ah heard the despair o’ prisoner’s calls

Fae Cardinal Beaton tae the Angus Earl

An’ watched as commoners turned feral.

I saw the arrival o’ James the Fourth

Wha boarded Michael oan Firth o’ Forth

Tae meet wi’ a Frenchman wha wid affirm

The Auld Alliance wis confirmed.

Queen Mary wis born wi’in the walls

O’ Linlithgow’s mighty halls

An’ forced tae abdicate her throne

Which mah keepers did bemoan.

‘til it behoofed thaim tae caw thair backs

Oan Mary’s behauf Hamilton did attack

Kirkcaldy brought money fur his liege

An’ that’s whin Morton did lay siege.

Ah played host tae mony intriguing plots

As playing gaol wis mah lot

Amusit a favourite o’ James the Sixth

Treasonous Huntly wha wis ever slick.

Then Ah fell ta Cornwell’s army

Tae be abandoned, och howfur charming

Although apairt Ah wis wrenched

Ah efter held Napoleon’s French.

A’m the ship that wull ne’er sail

Bit made the Germans caw tail

Whin while the Seicont World War

Thair periscope saw me oan shore.

Ah wis immortalised by Rabbie Burns

“Blackness is Braw” wis ferr a turn

Then oan the pictures ah staun proud

A backdrop tae the acting crowd.

Historic Scotland wha keeps me whole

Built a pier oan which tae stroll

Ah’ve watched a couple jive upon the stem

Alight wi’ the love atween thaim. Ah’ve sheltered picnickers oan days sae hot

An’ saw the opening o’ the Lobster Pot

The ship that ne’er float Ah’ll ayewis be

Ah’m the castle at Blackness-on-Sea.

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