Old Friend
It's easier to fall in love in the darkness and much more with the darkness
Darkness old friend I've come to see you once again
I know I've not been a good friend,you know falling in and out with you but
You forgive me right
Don't be mad I'm here now
It's so much easier with you
Blinding my nakedness when you shine on me
When I can't see me, you do see me
Makes me wonder why they say you're tainted, black?
Black ain't evil, black is beautiful
You should see me in my outfit at my lover's funeral
Yeah in black and barely covering my sins
Son of men falling down in my pits
It's pitch black! they scream, when you embrace them
Shallow men! if only they got to know you, a beautiful sin
What would I have done without you
You who swallowed all my insanity to keep me sane
Without flinching you gulped them down, vanished without a trace
To my ever loving darkness for a thousand years I have loved you
And so for all eternity I'll gladly burn for you
Mona Lisa's
Mona lisa Mona Lisa
She's got no eyebrows did you see that?
Maybe she suffered alopecia
Mona lisa Mona Lisa
She's got no eyebrows did you see that?
Maybe she shaved it to draw a new one
Mona lisa Mona Lisa
She's got no eyebrows did you see that?
If only you'd finished oh Da Vinci
Mona lisa Mona Lisa
She's got no eyebrows did you see that?
Leornado did finish a masterpiece, so pretty
Mona lisa Mona Lisa
She's got no eyebrows did you see that?
But she's the fairest of them all, worth more than millions and even billions
Mona lisa Mona Lisa
She's got no eyebrows did you see that?
Mona lisa were you a person or just a painting from his imagination
Mona lisa Mona Lisa
She's got no eyebrows and it don't matter
How I wish you were a person but then you wouldn't be famous
Mona lisa Mona Lisa
She's got no eyebrows and no expression
Such perfection in imperfection
Mona Lisa Mona Lisa