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Poem no. 200



Late Summer at the Lobster Pot


Late Summer at The Lobster Pot

Fresh off the tour boat and crazed

with thirst, men and women crushed

into The Lobster Pot and craved

everything the bar had to offer.

I poured and stirred and sneaked

peeks at the mixology guide

I hid where I could turn the pages

without looking too befuddled.

I drank and still drink whiskey

neat from the bottle, but men

in pastels and sleeveless women

crooned for cocktails none

of my friends would ever touch.

Still I poured with my smile affixed

and they tipped me accordingly.

The summer dusk thickened and cloyed

with sentiments I couldn’t embrace.

At closing I withdrew to the dunes

where blackness on sea poured over

the edge of the world to comfort me.

I unrolled my sleeping bag and stared

up into constellations sparked

with the colors of the drinks I’d poured

without the faintest sigh of guilt.

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