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Poem no. 217



To Be Daring Or To Be Bold?


If you check any modern dictionary,

To equate daring and boldness is ordinary.

But when we check the dictionary of experience,

We'll see between the two that there's a world of difference.

The daring will start and fight an unjust war;

The bold will fight when they can't bear evil any more!

There's a difference! Of that let's not make any mistake:

It's obvious in the very collocations we make.

We put "dare" with "devil" and we get from it "daredevil",

How can we doubt to be daring is not in some way evil?

An angel became the devil when he dared to tell a lie,

"Go ahead and eat, for I tell you you will not surely die!"

And yet the One who cannot lie had said the opposite,

He made the tree whose fruit He had commanded them not to eat.

A daring person thinks concerning important things "Who cares?"

But a bold person does the good they're told in spite of their fears.

The former against boundaries transgresses and trespasses;

The latter within boundaries impresses with successes!

The daring will trample your precious things and turn again and rend you:

The bold will hallow your precious things and give them the reverence due.

The daring thinks in heart, "I'll do, I'll say it, I'm not afraid!"

The bold thinks, "If I do that a foe of a friend could be made!"

The daring is unremorseful after throwing caution to the wind;

The bold are truly repentant when they realize that they have sinned.

The daring person goes astray and is unreasonable;

The bold however walk a path that is sustainable.

The daring person builds on sand and is a hypocrite;

The bold person builds on truth that's solid and is concrete.

The daring one of every one is fearful and suspicious :

For they think that everyone is just like them - obnoxious!

The bold person because they're only doing as they're told,

Suppose that everyone is like them - with a heart of gold!

The daring will prove that they can call anyone's bluff:

For they think to be shocking, to scandalize, shows they're tough.

The bold, though they're tempted to employ the same device,

Believe rather: to obey is better than sacrifice.

There is a breach in the soul of the daring person,

Unknown to them their will is in the Accuser's prison.

But the soul of the bold is graced by surpassing peace:

From strength to strength they go, their liberty on the increase.

From Blackness on Sea, the daring flee even when nobody is pursuing;

While in the Lobster Pot Pub, the bold, as lions in their dens, are reclining.

The daring thinks the means is justifiable by the end;

But the bold will seek sound counsel upon which they can depend.

The daring lies like breathing, and that with a smile on their face;

But in the heart of the bold untruths don't even have a place.

Daringness is counterfeit boldness;

Boldness is genuine fearlessness.

The daring are deceitful;

But the bold are always truthful.

The daring are saboteurs;

But the bold are entrepreneurs.

The daring O they are rude!

But the bold behave as they should.

The daring force their own way;

But the bold lets peace have its way.

I hope it is quite clear that the daring and the bold are not the same:

The first is devilish; the other like Aslan is good but is not tame!

To be daring or to be bold: what's the conclusion of the matter?

Do as you're told: avoid the former, but strive to be like the latter!



Form Submission

Sep 6, 5:34 PM


Re: [Blackness on Sea Poe] Entry Submissions - new submission

Hi, Thank you for your Poem submission.We are unexpectedly away for a few days and so there will be a short delay on getting the poems up on the website,

Sorry for that,



Tosin Oladumiye

Entry Submissions









To Be Daring Or To Be Bold?


If you check any modern dictionary,

To equate daring and boldness is ordinary.

But when we check the dictionary of experience,

We'll see that between the two there's a world of difference.

The daring will start and fight an unjust war;

The bold will fight when they can't bear evil any more!

There's a difference! Of that let's not make any mistake:

It's obvious in the very collocations we make.

We put "dare" with "devil" and we get from it "daredevil",

How can we doubt to be daring is not in some way evil?

An angel became the devil when he dared to tell a lie,

"Go ahead and eat, for I tell you you will not surely die!"

And yet the One who cannot lie had said the opposite,

He made the tree whose fruit He had commanded them not to eat.

A daring person thinks concerning important things "Who cares?"

But a bold person does the good they're told in spite of their fears.

From Blackness on Sea, the daring flee even when nobody is pursuing;

While in the Lobster Pot Pub, the bold, as lions in their dens, are reclining.

The former against boundaries transgresses and trespasses;

The latter within boundaries impresses with successes!

The daring will trample your precious things and turn again and rend you:

The bold will hallow your precious things and give them the reverence due.

The daring thinks in heart, "I'll do, I'll say it, I'm not afraid!"

The bold thinks, "If I do that, a foe of a friend could be made!"

The daring is unremorseful after throwing caution to the wind;

The bold are truly repentant when they realize that they have sinned.

The daring person goes astray and is unreasonable;

The bold, however, walk a path that is sustainable.

The daring person builds on sand, and is a hypocrite;

The bold person builds on truth that's solid and is concrete.

The daring one of every one is fearful and suspicious:

For they think that everyone is just like them – obnoxious!

The bold person because they're only doing as they're told,

Behave as though everyone’s like them – with a heart of gold!

From Blackness on Sea, the daring flee even when nobody is pursuing;

While in the Lobster Pot Pub, the bold, as lions in their dens, are reclining.

Like a sudden storm, the daring delight in speaking off the cuff:

For they think to be shocking, to scandalize, shows they're tough.

The bold, however, though they're tempted to employ the same device,

Are slow to speak, study to answer, and they are concise.

So it happens there’s a breach in the soul of the daring person;

Unknown to them their will is in the Accuser's prison.

But the soul of the bold, O how surrounded by surpassing peace!

From strength to strength they go, their liberty on the increase.

From Blackness on Sea, the daring flee even when nobody is pursuing;

While in the Lobster Pot Pub, the bold, as lions in their dens, are reclining.

The daring thinks the means is justifiable by the end;

But the bold will seek sound counsel upon which they can depend.

The daring lies like breathing, and that with a smile on their face;

But in the heart of the bold untruths don't even have a place.

From Blackness on Sea, the daring flee even when nobody is pursuing;

While in the Lobster Pot Pub, the bold, as lions in their dens, are reclining.

Daringness is counterfeit boldness;

Boldness is genuine fearlessness.

The daring are deceitful;

But the bold are always truthful.

The daring are saboteurs;

But the bold are entrepreneurs.

The daring, O they are rude!

But the bold behave as they should.

The daring force their own way;

But the bold lets peace have its way.

May the distinction be made: the daring and the bold are not the same.

The first is devilish; the other, like Aslan, is good, but is not tame!

To be daring or to be bold: what's the conclusion of the matter?

Do as you're told: avoid the former, but strive to be like the latter!

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