The Tale of Seven Seals
The Seven seals
Ochreous and unforgiving
Are indeed as real
As you and me.
In the hidden crevices
Of a derelict underground lair
With air the taste of Blackness on sea
Lies a treasure beyond compare
It sparkles not,
Dull and rather ignoble
Its allure, they say, lies within,
The diamond in the rough.
Seven seals, for seven virtues,
Keep the lair under lock and key
Once shut, forever opened
Once lost, forever found.
Two kindred souls of Purity,
In heart, mind and soul,
and Unity, for the strength
To conquer all.
Wisdom, a sound counsel
For rainy days, and Justice,
To uphold right and censure wrong,
Are a twofold cord
Bound together for eternity.
Love, the vanquisher of all evils,
Faith to be assured of the unseen,
And Hope unbroken and unwound,
Are renowned cerberean brothers,
Protectors of a dying heritage.
Go, curious souls,
To The Lobster Pot,
Savour the distinct flavour
Of Blackness on sea.
Hearken to the tale
Of the seven seals,
and discover
the power of lore
In the hearts of men.