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Poem No. 43



Shall we set Sail

The birds have no nest in trees

The rooftops are the home they see

Their clamouring soul are musicians in cages

The life we live is never the same for ages

What a life we live

Where suffering exist

Where hunger persists

Where the sunshine is accessable to only one Man

And all Man is answerable to one Supreme Body

How long can we live

When shall we set sail

To which world shall we anchor our Ship

Will we lower our sail for 7 virgins

Do we set sail for the crown of justice

Those justice lay where we sail to

Or is Corruption in the same image and likeness

How do we console this holy mourners for we know not what lay yonder

How do we spread this news of death for we know not who is next

Do we drink to death

Will we dine to this heavenly rest

Will we celebrate a life well spent Will we rejoice for a death so early

Do we prepare our sheaves

Because death is near

O death whenever you come keep for us handkerchiefs to wipe our tears

Death is a voyage

We sail to the world we acknowledge

Let set sail for our Captain is coming

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