Poem No. 59blacknessonseapoetMay 15, 20221 min readPOEM TITLE LimerickPOEM In Blackness-on-Sea it gets hot in summertime, and if you've got a thirst for some ale, I urge you, don't fail to pop in the old Lobster Pot.
POEM TITLE LimerickPOEM In Blackness-on-Sea it gets hot in summertime, and if you've got a thirst for some ale, I urge you, don't fail to pop in the old Lobster Pot.
Shortlist AnnouncementThe Judges have now produced the shortlist of the 12 poems going forward to the final announcement of the winners at the presentation on...
Poem N. 271Cats & Dugs Doon Blackness brae, thon castle, a big stane ship smirred in mist, slate-grey Firth snarlin at her knees. We could’ve...