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Poem No 63


POEM TITLE The Lobster Pot

POEM The Lobster Pot

The Romans knew Blackness On Sea as we never knew it.

But we know they feasted on oysters just like you and me.

With sandy beaches, a promenade, a pier and a ship shaped

castle, Blackness on Sea has a lot to offer.

The Romans never knew the Lobster Pot provides the town

with a convivial place to meet and a popular place to eat.

Superb sea food is served daily, all caught in the town.

The locals hold a poetry platform in a corner of the bar, where

the landlord and a few old codgers cogitate over poetry to their

hearts content. The verses get looser as the night goes on.

Unlike Robert Louis Stephenson or Robert Burns I have never

been to Blackness on Sea but you can bet your bottom dollar if

I win this competition an unknown Poet will be coming your way.

The lasting legacy of the Lobster Pot most definitely should be

an anthology of every poem submitted, with a picture of the aged

landlord on the front cover.

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