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Poem No. 67




The sea once beautiful

Twice struck by the rod

Divides into snarky jaws of death

Hidden treasures clutter

Packing and cascading down into the depths

Every ray of sunshine catches the ripples of the slippery blue waters

Casting glints at the gloom rocks who like smurfs shine depending on their moods

Fat cross ships

Medusa the head piece

Lint and tiger leaches sucking on the wood who woolen wooden are creepy

The men

Yes who can deny their existence

Who can identify their purpose

Their hearts black as the night

You know what time it is

Steps on the plank

Slow, tiny are their steps

Plankton doesn't come close

Quiet, the only sound of life is the roaring sea

Deep at night

Emeralds shine black

Gold sparkling in their teeth, green.

Faeries flayed on planes unseen

Captain hook unleashes the ghouls from his grimoire

The blood spewed pools into the pool of the sea, disappearing into the depths of

the ocean

We loose all sense of our tools

A bottle of rum

And an old whore

Can send a sailor into oblivion

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