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Poem No 73


POEM TITLE Blackness

POEM Tell me, did you ever gie a thought

to Blackness and it’s Lobster Pot?

I found myself, the other day,

walking ‘long the silvery bay.

There is a castle like a boat,

though locals say it never floats,

but touristes seem to like it fine

and clamber on its rocky spine.

What’s more, they have a yacht club there

for owners wi a bit to spare.

The boats look splendid, though, you’ld say,

bobbing gently in the bay,

and walks, there are, both east and west,

to Queensferry and auld Bo’ness.

I’ve half a mind to stay for good,

the sea - the views - the pub’s good food.

But there’s aye a catch to spoil the lark -

try and find a place to park!

To stay there, though, I’m quite intent if I can find a place to rent,

then you’ll always ken just where I’ll be.

The Lobster Pot will do for me.

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