Here in the night, eyes blink in hills across the water
and atop the towers that speed the wind north.
And there is sparkle to break the blackness of the sea,
from an ancient moon and even older
starlight squeezing through between the cloud.
Here in the silence, we hold on to the rocks, clinging,
to the bank where we have lived and worked a thousand years.
Where lapping waters soothe the rocks to sleep
And we are lulled by distant music from
the past with songs that stir the soul.
Here in the chill, the tower on the ness stands dark.
Heavy stone walls rooted on the rocks
To protect and keep out any light.
Inside, there is safety in blackness.
But there is also the hope of morning.
Here in the darkness, we wait patiently
for that daybreak to rub the sleep from its eyes.
We have plenty — the creel and the lobster pot feed us
when the sea chooses to yield its larder.
And we have stories to nourish our bones.
Here in the dawn, we welcome its return.
The sun light blowing up the river from the east;
the startled darkness fleeing in its wake.
Here, again, we are in Blackness
but only now in name.